
ACC Conference Programme 2024


Best Practice in Medical Rostering for Safe and Efficient Care

02 Oct 2024
Hands-on Training Zone I: RL Datix

Building medical staff rotas and deploying doctors through team and specialty rostering is well established but often fails to fully exploit the power locked in the technology being used. In this session we will explore how the skills, aptitudes, availability and flexibility of the medical staff in your team can be surfaced using workforce technology in a way that creates more clinically useful, safer and effective rosters, hence maximising patient care. 

  • Building a specialty team roster from first principles to make best use of the available substantive medical workforce.
  • More than just names – how the skills and competencies of the team can be woven into the roster to increase its clinical utility.
  • Reducing reliance on temporary and agency doctors through better rostering whilst ensuring their contributions are properly built into the roster.
  • The benefits and practical elements of self-rostering to improve flexibility and staff wellbeing within a clinical team.
  • Sharing rosters across departments and divisions to enable pathway-based approaches to rostering.
Chris Bond, Medics Rostering Specialist - RL Datix

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